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Educator Licensing Office
Welcome to Educator Licensure!
Colorado issues four license - teacher, principal, administrator and special services - and 14 authorizations, including substitute, emergency and career and technical education (CTE). Select the corresponding button at right for more information.
Related Information and Requirements
- Background checks/fingerprints (via icon below)
- Find an approved Colorado preparation program
- Application checklists
- Educator Effectiveness Evaluator Training (E-Train)
- Required for all principal and administrator credentials
- Effective: Aug. 1, 2024
- English Learner Professional Development requirements
- Required for renewal of all professional teachers who hold an elementary, English, math, science, social studies or any middle level endorsement
- Deadline: Sept. 1, 2025
- READ Act -Teacher requirements
- Required of all teachers teaching reading K-3 and all interventionists (grades 4-12)
- Deadline: Aug. 1 of each year
- READ Act - Principal/Administrator requirements
- Required of all principals and administrators
- Deadline: Aug. 1, 2024 and every Aug. 1 thereafter
- Special Education/Behavior Health Professional Development requirements
- Required for renewal of all professional teacher, principal, administrator and special services license-holders
- Deadline: June 30, 2025
Additional Services
To apply:
- Select a button below to review requirements.
- Select the Out-of-State button if you completed a teacher, principal, administrator or special services preparation outside Colorado and are applying for your first Colorado credential of that type.
out-of-state/international applicants: first-time Colorado teacher, principal, administrator, special services
all teacher types: alternative, interim, initial, professional, renewals, teacher of record
school SLP, audiologist, psychologist, OT, PT, RN, O&M specialist, social work, counselor
initial, professional, authorization for alternative preparation
administrator, director/special education, director/gifted education
substitute, emergency, TEE, CTE, SLPA, adjunct, SSP intern, educational interpreter, JROTC, exchange educator and more
Content Exam Requirements
Resources for District/BOCES Leaders
- Accessing & navigating the COOL system
- Educator Recruitment & Retention
- General requirements for all licenses & authorizations
- Colorado teacher endorsement requirements (select the buttons above for endorsement requirements for the other credential types)
- General professional development requirements
- The National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) presents the Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE), a common language of ethics developed by educators for educators regarding professional practice. Ideal for in-service training or professional learning communities (PLCs). Get started with the following resources:
- MCEE video features the educators who helped develop the MCEE and speaks to the importance of the code and its application in the classroom
- DistruptEd is a two-part video conversation with Troy Hutchings and Phil Rogers about the Code of Ethics (Part 1 and Part 2)
- Contact NASDTEC at with questions or comments.
The latest information/news about educator preparation and licensure.
- Colorado House Bill 22-1220 has numerous implications around education preparation for candidates and programs.
- Visit this webpage for more information about stipend programs.
- Learn more about "Multiple Measures of Content Competency" for first-time Colorado teachers!
- TEACH Colorado is a one-stop shop with free resources to help talented Coloradans join the teaching profession.
- TEACH Colorado offers comprehensive profiles of the state's educator preparation programs, application fee reimbursements, scholarships and 1:1 licensure advising.
- Take advantage of these free tools at
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